Please excuse me for posting this so late. I'm very sorry. I'll try to do better next time.
Before studying abroad all AFS students must attend a pre-departure orientation. Going in I thought it was going to be extremely boring and probably a powerpoint presentation. I was wrong. The meeting really opened my eyes to all of the things I still need to get prepared for. I can't just think about what I'm going to pack and where I'm going to live. There is so much more that I would've never thought of. There are so many goals I want to set for myself now. I never thought too detailed about the changes I will face and it really got me thinking about how I could better prepare myself for the changes. Day by day goals or over all goals about the experience, either way making them will allow me to get the full experince I want. Above all, I have to be aware that things are going to be extremely different, if not opposite of my life in Ohio, and go in with an open mind to get everything I can out of it. At the orientation they told us to always remember, "It's not good or bad. It's just different."
I have all summer to prepare myself for this change. Although the wait is killing me I know the time I have left will be very helpful. I have a lot of research to still do. Wish me luck! Until next time, Auf Wiedersehen!
- Hallee