Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Journey Begins

Guten Tag! My name is Hallee, I'm seventeen years old and a junior at Wheelersburg High School. For my senior year I would like to study in Germany! With its vast culture and beautiful architecture I can't think of another place I would want to study. When I found out about this program with AFS I knew it was an opportunity I could not pass up!
From this amazing experience, I want to become inspired and learn about the place I adore so much. As I go to college I want to become an architect. The best way to learn about architecture is to see it first hand. I want to immerse myself in a new culture.
As I learn about German culture I can spread American culture to the people around me. Sharing culture is something I enjoy. It's important to me to show that, although we live across the globe, we are not that different.
This is a once in a life time chance to go to Germany. I don't want to pass it up, however it is very costly. I've been doing odd jobs and other fundraising to help raise money. I have a summer job, but it still isn't enough. I would like to raise $4,000. I understand donating isn't ideal for everyone, but every little bit would be extremely helpful!

To sponsor my AFS program now, please click the ChipIn button.

iPhone users, the ChipIn button is not compatible with iPhone software so please get on your computer.

Danke!-Thank You!
Auf Wiedersehen- Good Bye